We are a project that aims to develop an online NFT museum built by the NFT community. The museum works by having the several artworks locked and up for sale.
In a world where companies devalue graphic designers and digital artists hoping to pay them with low values and promotion, we are trying to create a source of revenue for them by creating an online museum that finds patrons for art pieces since instagram likes don't put food on the table. Some artpieces might have exclusive content provided by the artists like master files for their projects or other things.
Unlike other NFT collections, we dont have a private exclusive club, we are not a competition, we dont have insane rewards. We make digital art!
Uppon buying the NFT on OpenSea it becomes unlocked and is put on display on this website with the name of the NFT, the name of the NFT art piece creator, and the name or alias of the NFT owner (the NFT owner can also make their name clickable and redirect to a page of their choice)Learn more.
For more information or if you wish to work with us and become a featured MOMA artist please contact museumofmetaart@gmail.com